Our Allergy Office

196 Waterford Parkway South
Waterford, CT 06385

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Patient Hours

Mon. - Wed. 8AM - 6PM
Thur. 8AM - 5PM

New Allergy and Asthma Patients

Shoreline Allergy and Asthma Associates welcome new patients.  Although most of our patients are from Connecticut and Rhode Island, we welcome anyone else who is in need of allergy, asthma, immunotherapy help.  

What to Expect as a New Patient

Your first appointment in the office will be with one of our board certified physicians. 

The initial appointment consists of an in depth review of your medical history, a physical exam, and possibly lung function testing, and is generally a 50 minute appointment. 

No allergy testing will take place at your first appointment.  At your first appointment, the physician will order testing related to your symptoms.  This could include allergy skin testing, lab testing, or other testing appropriate to your condition.  Testing will take place on separate days from your new patient appointment, so to complete your allergy work-up, you may need to come to the office for multiple appointments.

All new patients are advised to check their insurance coverage. 

The following codes may be used to bill for your appointment:

Non referred:  99203 (or) 99204 (or) 99205
Referred: 99243 (or) 99244 (or) 99245

For asthma or breathing concerns, a patient may have an assessment at their new patient visit, and the following codes may be billed for this appointment:  94060 and 94664 and 95012.

New Patient Forms

If you would like to schedule a new patient visit, please complete the New Patient registration form and someone from the office will
contact you to schedule an appointment.

If you have a new patient appointment scheduled, please complete the New Patient Packet.

Completed forms will automatically be sent to the Shoreline Allergy support staff.

New Patient's please complete New Patient Packet prior to your visit.
Appointment Request
  • Established patients please contact through your patient portal which can be found here: myhealthrecord.com/Portal/SSO
  • New Patients and Established Patients without portal access Call us at (860) 536-2995
  • Medical Practices please call us directly at (860) 536-2995 or fax us at (860) 574-9170