Our Allergy Office

196 Waterford Parkway South
Waterford, CT 06385

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Patient Hours

Mon. - Wed. 8AM - 6PM
Thur. 8AM - 5PM

FAQ's on Allergies, Asthma and Allergens

Common Questions from Allergy Patients

We hope that our Connecticut allergy and asthma sufferers find these questions and answers useful.  If you are experiencing any strong reaction then call 911 immediately.   

Are there things I can do to lessen my allergy symptoms?
  • Spring is a good time to give everything in your home an extra clean – windows, bookshelves and air conditioning vents collect dust and mold throughout the winter that can provoke allergy symptoms.
  • Peak pollen times are very often the hours of 10am to 4pm so do more indoor activities during the day.
  • Dry laundry indoors.  Clothes and sheets that are dried outdoors collect a lot of pollen.
  • Keep pets out of your bedroom and off furniture.  Pollen easily clings to their fur and can be spread around the house.
What kinds of allergy testing do you do?

Shoreline Allergy and Asthma Associates perform intradermal testing, skin prick testing, and patch testing.  We also do specialty testing for antibiotic drugs, medications and venoms.

Is blood testing better than skin testing?

Both blood and skin testing are great ways to evaluate what may be causing your symptoms.  For blood testing you do not need to stop your allergy medicine but you will need to have blood drawn.   

Skin testing on the other hand is done in the office and can give us many answers under 25 minutes.  Skin testing is relatively painless, and costs less.  What type of test you will need will be determined by your allergist.

What if I can’t make my appointment?

You need to contact our office at least 48 hours before your appointment and let us know if you cannot make it.  There are many allergy and asthma sufferers who need help and we want to offer assist others when we find out that a spot opens up.  Your appointment is very important to your health and has been specifically reserved for you. 

I am in Connecticut and am looking for an allergy doctor near me.  Are you taking new patients?

Yes we are accepting new patients who are suffering from allergies and asthma.  We see many patients from Connecticut and Rhode Island. 


Appointment Request
  • Established patients please contact through your patient portal which can be found here: myhealthrecord.com/Portal/SSO
  • New Patients and Established Patients without portal access Call us at (860) 536-2995
  • Medical Practices please call us directly at (860) 536-2995 or fax us at (860) 574-9170